Welcome to Tambuzi
a purpose driven carbon neutral rose farm with one simple goal, to grow the very finest scented garden roses. Because beauty is worth striving for!
Tambuzi News
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About Us
In the mid 1990s, Tim and Maggie Hobbs - a young and dynamic couple with Kenyan roots, came across a beautiful, derelict farm on the foot hills of Mount Kenya only miles from the equator. The 64 hectare farm, originally a dairy and beef farm, was up for sale and with its perfect conditions for growing roses the Hobbs bought and developed it into what it is today: a specialist supplier of traditional garden scented roses.
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Around Us
From the very start, Tambuzi has believed in Shared Value – we just didn’t know it was called that back in the day. For us it means a philosophy that if the communities of those who work on the farm and those who live around the farm are stronger, then Tambuzi as a company will be stronger. If we build value, then the smart and sustainable thing to do is to share that value in any way that we can. So we look to create partnerships and networks everywhere that we operate, both internally and externally.
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